Sunday, October 05, 2008

Won't you take me to Takko town

Last weekend we decided to take a trip to Takko town (pronounce TACO) for the annual Beef and Garlic Festival. Having lived in the SF Bay area of California, Ness and I have attended the sister-city garlic festival in Gilroy (not that I remember much of it besides the intense, yet delightful smell of garlic permeating the air).

Our trip down was uneventful, with the exception of this being our longest whole-family trip here to date. It was surprisingly quiet.

I purchased our lunch tickets the week before the trip, so we were assured a lunch of vegetables, garlic, and thinly sliced Takko beef. I think I forgot to read the small print, cause we soon discovered that we were afforded the opportunity to prepare our meal to our liking. We searched through the throngs of people for a grill, then hovered over a couple of folks until they "decided" they were finished eating and moved along. One of the volunteers prepared our grilling surface (I need to find one of those people for my grill), and we set to work cooking our lunch. The boys were eager to, um, help. I hesitate, cause we had a toddler meandering around a bunch of half-barrels full of fire, and a kindergartner who wanted to touch a bunch of raw food on the surface of said half-barrels of fire. We got through the hectic lunch prep and, at least Ness and I, enjoyed some wonderful food.

After fighting with Aiden to eat something, then ultimately surrendering, we ventured around the rest of the festivities. There wasn't a whole lot to do, but we did happen upon the Garlic Spitting contest. We enjoyed watching for a while, but Vanessa quickly goaded me into signing up. She's a good sport, so she didn't complain too much that I signed her up too. We ended up being the last two on the list; 79 and 80. There might have been more contestants, but it started raining; making the already cool mountain air even, colder. Fortunately, the rain let up just before it was our turn.

(can you see the clove of garlic?)

Ladies and Gentlemen, the picture above is the wife of the 3rd place world champion garlic spitter (11.678 meters). I plan to attend next year's festival to try to take 1st.

I actually relished in the spotlight with another Airman, who actually works down the hall from me and whom I shall forever refer to as Number Two. I'm not sure what that says about the Airforce.

That was the excitement of the festival. If you see me around, NO autographs!

Setting my sights on being Ichiban next year,


Anonymous said...

Wow.. look at all the Asians :) That looks like fun. I miss the Garlic festival. Did they have the Garlic queens like Gilroy?

Martin Gerst said...

Actually, THE Gilroy Garlic Queen was there, and the Queen from the Korea sister city.

Anonymous said...

Way to go son!!! I raised you well grasshopper!

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone sit right under another person spitting?