Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm a pony

I should have known I would be next...

Ethan got a bit sick with a runny nose and was hoarse last week. Being the affectionate father I am, I went ahead and borrowed his cold from him. At least he's on antibiotics now, so if it's an infection his problems should clear up soon. I'm scheduled to see a doctor tomorrow, but for now I'm without a voice.

Doing my best puberty impression,


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


After deciding Aiden was too young to start playing soccer last year, I was eager to get him started this year in a sport I enjoyed as a youth. As luck would have it, I also get to be his coach.

That's right! I'm in charge of leading not one, but six impressionable young minds. The team has had three practices and we played our first game Saturday. Aiden was a little cranky for the first two practices, but actually participated and enjoyed the third. As well, Ethan enjoys watching his big brother (playing soccer or anything else).

Aiden played alright during his first game, but I only have one player who was anywhere near aggressive enough to go take the ball from the other team. That's what we'll be working on this week.
It's really neat to see the different personalities in each of the kids. They definitely keep me on my toes and challenge me to keep them engaged during the practices and games. I've found some pretty decent resources on the web, but it will probably take a little more time to get more out of them.

Go Tigers!


Sunday, September 02, 2007

I'm here...

Sorry I haven't posted in some time, but we went on a little trip ... and I'm a slacker. I promise I'll get back to the whole blogging thing soon. Hope everyone's having a nice Labor Day holiday.

Good Night,
