Thursday, December 20, 2007

Time for Christmas, time for deploying

Season's greetings,

We're gearing up for an exciting holiday season. We will be celebrating Christmas, New Years, and Ethan's 1st b-day all in the span of a couple of weeks. We'll be visiting friends and family, then promptly return home to prepare for my deployment.

Uncle Sam's little, militant brother, Uncle Air Force, has given me my marching orders. At the beginning of the year, I'll be deploying once again. I'll tell you later where I land, but for now, know that I won't be in immediate danger.

Vanessa will once again be the lone parent in our household. This time around she'll have two boys in tow. I can't say enough how much I admire Vanessa's strength during these times. I know she has friends and family who will be able to lend her a hand or ear when she needs them, and I thank you.

I pray each of you will have a wonderful holiday season. I hope to see or hear from you before I depart. If not, you probably know how to contact me. I'll be in touch.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Tis the season ... for sick kids

Yep! I'm sitting at home for the rest of the day after receiving a call that AX had an involuntary protein spill at daycare. So I finished up what I was working on at work and made my way to pick him up. As I was approaching, I received yet another call from daycare informing me that EWG had a fever and would also need to be picked up. Oh, the joys of parenthood. By the way, I think they caught whatever is bothering them from their mother. Admit it Vanessa, I know it's all your fault! :)

I put the kids to bed and will await the fury of their illnesses when they waken. Until then ...

Take two of these and call me in the morning,

Dr. Dad

(Note to anyone in the know: my little trip to Ecuador has been nixed, so now I'll be headed to play in the sand.)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Early Turkey Day

I didn't post last week because at least half of my audience was here for Thanksgiving, or at least the weekend before the holiday. The boys had an awesome time with their grandparents and Auntie Megan and Aiden enjoyed spending time being a terror with his cousin. The women folk went out shopping on a daily basis, so V's dad and I managed to play a couple of rounds of golf. I'm sure V's shopping skills were honed, but I can't say the same for my golf skills. Nonetheless, I enjoyed getting out and playing.

Our company departed before TG, so our immediate family had a nice turkey dinner with a few fixins. Vanessa and Aiden even made a pumpkin pie (if it had been pecan I would have eaten too much of it all by myself, and I certainly don't need that). EWG even enjoyed a taste of his first Thanksgiving dinner. It was actually nice to not be so stuffed after the traditional turkey dinner.

Lately I've been really, really busy after work. I joined a band. Mostly I play the drums, but sometimes I pick up a guitar or vocals. We just usually play to our strengths depending on who shows up to be in the band. I guess I should mention that I'm talking about the video game Rockband ... sorry, I couldn't resist.

So last night I had one of those "in-the-weeds" dreams about playing the video game and slept horribly. Tonight, I've decided that I should do something else before immediately going to bed in order to assuage those kind of dreams. Hopefully updating my blog will do the trick.

Sweet Rock-n-Roll dreams,

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Since my last post...

We went to our church for their Fall Festival, i.e., Halloween celebration. Aiden dressed as the Red Power Ranger. I don't really understand his infatuation with Power Rangers since, to my knowledge, he's only seen about two episodes. Ethan was dressed in an adorable monkey costume that his Granny made for him. We then came home and Aiden and I walked around the cul-de-sac and did the traditional trick-or-treat gig. Although we hit far fewer houses than we did last year, I think it was just about right.

The first weekend of this month Aiden had his last soccer game. The score was tied, but only because I was trying to be nice to the other team that evidently had a coach who wasn't too knowledgeable about the rules for Under 5 soccer. The Tigers received their participation medals and posed for a few final pics. Unfortunately, some of the player won't be returning to play soccer (hopefully not because they had a bad coach). And, as I'm scheduled to deploy before his next season, Aiden isn't sure he wants to play next season if I'm not his coach. I'm flattered! About half of the team went to Peter Piper Pizza for a team celebration afterwards. It was a nice way to finish off the season.

Aiden had his first sleepover. Aiden and his best buddy in our neighborhood decided they would camp in the backyard. We pitched a tent and made a campfire in the fire pit table. And what campfire would be complete without making s'mores? After playing with the marshmallow forks in the fire for quite some time, the boys decided they'd had enough of "camping." They ultimately opted for the comfort of the great indoors.
The next day, I had to work at the Randolph Air Force Base airshow. Vanessa brought the boys up to the airshow later in the afternoon and I ditched my post and spent time with them (Really, I was done with my shift). Aiden has been to an airshow before, but he's finally at the age when seeing the different aircraft actually peak his interest. I think he tested out every pilot seat he could get to.
Finally, Aiden and I took in our second theatre production. This time it was "The Snow Dragon." It wasn't too bad and conveyed a pretty good message. This will mark the final play in the half-season package we purchased. Since I'll be gone, Vanessa and Aiden will be attending the final two plays.

And what posting would be complete without mentioning what's upcoming in my life? Vanessa's parents are coming for a pre-Thanksgiving visit. As always, we look forward to spending time with them. And I'm sure they're looking forward to spending time with their grandsons.
If you don't hear from me before Thanksgiving, have a great one.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Slackers Anonymous

Hi. My name's Marty and I am a slacker. It's been 41 days since my last post. I don't know how I keep getting off track. I can't use the excuse that I haven't had anything new to post, cause I've had lots happen between then and now. Eureka! I've just been far too busy. Yeah, that's it!

So just what has been keeping me so busy lately?

We've had several soccer games. Aiden scored a goal in one. He's doing much better, but still a typical 4-year-old when it comes to distractions. He had team pictures and we took him for additional soccer pictures (really not necessary, but I don't recall making that decision on my own).

Then the following weekend, we went for family pictures. Those turned out okay, but I think I'm tired of the same-old studio pictures. Next time, I think we'll find somewhere more exciting.

I also had another birthday. I'm not sure how old I am at this point, but it feels old. Oddly though, not as old as I felt last b-day. Thanks for those of you who offered your well-wishes. My gift … I will be learning how to play the guitar. Having never played a musical instrument, this is surely going to be quite an adventure.

We (for some reason or another) typically have a party this time of year. This year, much to my delight, it happened to be with a Halloween theme. We had loads of people attend and of course extended our invitation to their children. One guest who had stepped outside commented, "it looks like Chuck E. Cheese exploded in there!" But everyone, with our without children, seemed to have a good time. I know I did!

This weekend we went to a pumpkin patch. There was oodles to do there and the boys really enjoyed themselves. Ethan reveled in the train ride and the hayride; Aiden relished panning for rocks and picking out a couple of pumpkins that we carved tonight.

So that's just some of the highlights. We've had some more trivial matters too, but I won't bore you with those today.

Can't wait to post again soon,

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm a pony

I should have known I would be next...

Ethan got a bit sick with a runny nose and was hoarse last week. Being the affectionate father I am, I went ahead and borrowed his cold from him. At least he's on antibiotics now, so if it's an infection his problems should clear up soon. I'm scheduled to see a doctor tomorrow, but for now I'm without a voice.

Doing my best puberty impression,


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


After deciding Aiden was too young to start playing soccer last year, I was eager to get him started this year in a sport I enjoyed as a youth. As luck would have it, I also get to be his coach.

That's right! I'm in charge of leading not one, but six impressionable young minds. The team has had three practices and we played our first game Saturday. Aiden was a little cranky for the first two practices, but actually participated and enjoyed the third. As well, Ethan enjoys watching his big brother (playing soccer or anything else).

Aiden played alright during his first game, but I only have one player who was anywhere near aggressive enough to go take the ball from the other team. That's what we'll be working on this week.
It's really neat to see the different personalities in each of the kids. They definitely keep me on my toes and challenge me to keep them engaged during the practices and games. I've found some pretty decent resources on the web, but it will probably take a little more time to get more out of them.

Go Tigers!


Sunday, September 02, 2007

I'm here...

Sorry I haven't posted in some time, but we went on a little trip ... and I'm a slacker. I promise I'll get back to the whole blogging thing soon. Hope everyone's having a nice Labor Day holiday.

Good Night,


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Independence Day

Okay, it's been almost a week since the subject occurred, but I have excuses (I'll spare you the details).

For an update regarding the last post, we had a good time at Schlitterbahn, but not as good as Aiden and Alex. We avoided rain problems, but any of the rides had excruciatingly long lines. V and I waited more than an hour for the one ride we were able to enjoy together. The kid areas, of course, didn't have lines and that was fine by the boys. It was good to see Dave, Audrey and Alex. Thanks for visiting, friends.

To celebrate the holiday, I grabbed an old bag of sparklers that didn't make it out for earlier 4th of July celebrations and led the family to the backyard.
(Aiden isn't the most curious fellow when it comes to fire, so it took some convincing to get a sparkler in his hand. But after he got over his fear, I had to slow him down to keep the errant sparks from igniting the house.)
(Aiden gets the fear of fire--and most things--from his mom!)
Next year, I may get to play with some actual fireworks.
If you know where we live, you're invited to a BBQ this weekend. If I don't see you, I'll let you know how it goes (er, maybe).
That's all for now,

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Rain, rain, go away...

So we can go to Schlitterbahn to play.

Our friends are coming down from Dallas this weekend to visit. While they're here we're planning to go up to New Braunfels to enjoy the world's best water park. I know I'm looking forward to it. But, oh by the way, there's been some crazy rainfall here for more than a week. I was even released from work early yesterday because of flash flooding. However, it does look like it's beginning to let up and there's only a 40 percent chance for rain tomorrow. I'm okay with that, cause I'm sure that it can't rain all day. I'll keep my fingers crossed (is there any proof that that really works?).

In other news, my friend "Anonymous Mom" is in San Antonio en route to her new home in the DC area. V and I did manage to have dinner with her and her husband, but she's been scarce since (maybe we were bad company). Hopefully, we'll be able to hang out more before she leaves next weekend. (Yes, this is a shameless ploy to guilt her into not thinking up anymore excuses--to include attempting to amputate her foot with a pickle jar and following that up with a sunburn--to not visit more often.)

Hoping for a temporary drought and more company,


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Father's Day

It was fun, the presents just kept coming. I guess it was like Hanukkah, except I'm not Jewish. I'm grateful that I now have two perfect sons. If I have another, I could have my own sitcom remake...

This was my favorite gift. I actually asked for it last Father's Day, but as I was out of the country, it would have been difficult to enjoy.

Aiden and I had a Father-Son project to build in the garage. He needed a new bookshelf for his library of books that he's been collecting since birth. Conveniently enough, I've had all the wood for said bookshelf for a few months now. Hey, no time like the present.

I hope all the fathers out there were doted upon as much as I.

Celebratin' with "My Two Sons,"


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Water Play at Sea World

As I mentioned in a previous post, we traded in the season passes to the zoo for the more expensive, but equally (if not more) entertaining Sea World season passes. SW is quite a bit further from our house than the zoo, but we decided that Aiden is getting old enough to start enjoying rides and water play as well as shows, animals, and crazy large crowds. Having season passes affords us the opportunity to spend less time fighting the crowds because we can come back as often as we want. We've been to SW three times together (V and A went a couple of other times while I was deployed) and I'm certain we'll be back several more times before the season ends. Besides, SW is one of those attractions that people drive hundreds of miles to make part of their vacations, but we are fortunate enough to have it right here in our own backyard.

Enough of the background already...

So we took the boys to SW this weekend solely to enjoy the water park.

(V and EWG preparing for the "fun.")

(EWG gets his first dip. He was okay with it until his diaper became saturated -- He hates his diaper being wet. But he does love baths so maybe we should take him skinny dipping.)

(Aiden was surprisingly enjoying the water.)

(We were doing some kind of water dance. Next stop, "So You Think You Can Dance.")

I promise to start working on my summer tan so you won't have to dim your monitors to view future posts.

On a crazy posting spree...for now,


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Catch Up, Part II

As promised, here's the next installation of my making reparations.

We visited the zoo (the last time with our annual pass) with some friends. Aiden took his camera along, but I somehow managed to erase all of his pictures while downloading them to the computer. Here's one of him feeding the birds. I believe the cost of the small cup of sugar water was considerably more than tuppence.

Ethan had his four month well-baby doctor visit. He's in the upper percentile for his height, but his weight and head circumference were in the lower. He's now trying solid foods and we're reading him Plato, so we expect he'll soon be ahead of the pack in those areas. (Editor's note: I know that we'll have no impact on his brain size and thereby his head circumference--it was a joke, people! Try to keep up.)

After a trip to our new season pass choice, Sea World, we stopped at Cold Stone Creamery for a treat. Aiden prefers chocolate with whatever mix-in tickles his fancy that day.

This has also been a popular time for birthday parties. Here we are enjoying riding bumper boats at the third party in three weeks. Aiden and I are in the red boat. We got drenched. Vanessa, meanwhile, used Ethan as an alibi to abjure getting wet.

I walked into the living room to find Aiden using Ethan's Bumbo seat as a helmet. Aside from the obvious uses as headgear, the seat is very useful for Ethan.

We had our family picture taken to include Ethan. We've had a few various combinations of family members before, but this one is complete...well without the dogs. So, never mind the whole "complete" thing, just enjoy.

Just recently, V's parents came for a visit so we took our first opportunity to get away from the screaming kids overnight (just kidding, they're actually well-behaved, little angels). We went to the coast for a couple of days and let the grandparents enjoy their grandchildren. We stayed in Corpus Christi and visited Padre Island, and Port Aransas as well. While we were there, we took in some night life, the Aquarium, some horseback riding along the beach, and visited the USS Lexington. Vanessa also tried an Appletini.

Upon returning, we took Aiden to start his swimming lessons. It was a rough start, as he wouldn't even get in the pool the first day. He has participated since, although he's still uneasy about the whole water thing.

Next up, Ethan's first pool experience.


Monday, June 11, 2007

Catch Up, Part I

Okay, okay! Stop with the yelling already. I know I've been a bit of a slacker lately, but the resounding uproar from not keeping this blog up-to-date has been deafening. Yes, there was only one elucidation left by an unhappy reader, but the castigation from my mother makes up for the dearth of protest from the rest of you.

So what’s my excuse? I don’t have one. Yep, I’ve just been a slacker. There have been copious opportunities, as I will exhibit in the next few posts. So now it’s just up to you, my steadfast audience, to continue to behold the exhilaration that is my life. So without further delay, this is what has been happening since my last post…

Upon my return (read: the next day), we had a belated birthday party for Aiden's 4th. We let him choose his theme and venue, pirates and bowling. It makes me wonder if pirates ever played games aboard their ships aside from walking the plank and keel hauling.

He had a decent crowd of children, despite the horrible pizza served at the bowling alley and the pirate cake with pink sand frosting, but delicious blue gel water.

Aiden got lots of presents, of course, but I think his favorite was the Fisher Price digital camera that V and I got for him. It's neat to see things from a four-year-old's perspective.

Easter Sunday was a bust for outdoor egg hunting due to lots of rain, so the Easter Bunny visited our dining room instead. Aiden, unchallenged of course, did pretty well.

I suspect Ethan was a little miffed about not being able to participate.

April in San Antonio also brings Fiesta. Vanessa was off from work so we decided to make a family day of the Battle of Flowers parade. I don't think Ethan got much out of the numerous floats and elaborate dresses worn by the Fiesta queens, but we're counting this as his first parade nonetheless.

Strawberry Festival
April, or maybe early May, was also the annual Poteet Strawberry Festival. We sampled the various carnival foods as well as the obligatory strawberry comestibles, strawberry shortcake, strawberry wine, etc.

And with a carnival comes the various carnival rides. Fortunately, there was a large assortment of kiddy rides that Aiden was able to enjoy.

Well friends, that should whet your appetite for now. I'll go ahead and compose the second part in this post tonight but for now, I'll let you digest this one.

Your humble scribe,


Friday, March 30, 2007

Stay on Target...Stay on Target...

It's almost over, Yea!! I just have to wake up and sit through our graduation festivities tomorrow, then I'm hittin' the road for about 820 miles. I should probably start packing instead of blogging, but I'm sure you're all on the edge of your seat waiting for my next post. And who am I to keep my loyal readers waiting? (You better be loyal!)

The end results: our flight in the top 1/3 of the school--we're 9th; we are the top flight academically in the school; and we're the top flight in our squadron, 3-0, for flickerball (it's a made-up leadership game). As far as my individual accomplishments, hey, I passed and wasn't in the bottom of my flight and that's good enough for me.

Making the grade--mostly,


Monday, March 26, 2007

Wanted: Sudan Briefing

Sixteen hours from now I have to give a briefing on Sudan. Uh, I haven't started writing it yet...Arghhh!

The last two days I've been hiding in my room trying to get my internet connection reestablished. I've finally given up on that and decided to seek out other means for access. I'm now at Panera Bread pouring caffine into my veins as a preemptive measure for the long night ahead of me. And no this short posting isn't distracting me from my task. To the contrary, it's the only thing keeping my head from exploding.

So if there's anyone out there who wants to give my briefing for me...

Keeping brief so I can work on my briefing,


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Test 2 Down

I just finished my second and final test with an 89 percent. It was a little more difficult than the first test, but I studied differently this time. I didn't stress out about it and even managed to get a full night's sleep last night. Sure, I gave up a few points, but it was worth it.

One more week left--just one 13 minute briefing, sit-ups, push-ups, and a 3 mile run.

In the home stretch,


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mustache March

Here's the exciting picture I promised...

All the guys in my flight decided during the first week of class that we would participate in a little tradition aircrews often have when they deploy. It took me two weeks to get that beauty and about 30 seconds to shave it off last night. My apologies to anyone who thought facial hair is just what I needed.



Monday, March 12, 2007

My Sons

Being away from my boys is very distracting. They grow up so fast and I feel when I have to go TDY (temporary duty) I miss so much of their lives. This is what I'm missing right now...

Aiden hiding out in a huge basket in our living room where we normally hide some of his toys.
Ethan finding more than a passing interest in one of his digits and his mom trying to convince him that if he takes a pacifier instead we can take that away from him later.
Three weeks and counting,

Saturday, March 10, 2007

...With Flying Colors

I just finished my first test and passed with a 91 percent. I have really been stressing about it for the last two weeks. It didn't help that on the first day of SOS they built it up to terrifying proportions. Thankfully it's over and I won't have to stress over another test for at least a couple of weeks. Next up (Monday), Job if I can only orate what exactly it is that I do.

Weekend plans: work on briefing, work on country research project, stress about both.

Getting gray hair one day at a time,


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Intermittent Connectivity

I'm supposed to have a broadband connection in my room here, but I'm lucky if it ever works. I even went so far as to buy a new laptop computer (sorry Dave, still not a Mac). I admit, some of my connectivity issues were because of the 5 year old computer I was trying to use. It's not that the computer itself is useless, rather there were some other issues that I failed to resolve before I departed for my class. I'm sure it will still do fine for some menial tasks that don't take much processing power. Nonetheless, the computer was old and in need of replacement.

I need to get back to studying for my test Friday. I'll post an exciting picture for you'll see.

Trying to keep up in the computing world,


Sunday, February 25, 2007


No, I'm not in need of rescue--S.O.S. is Squadron Officer School and that's to where I'm en route. S.O.S. is part of my professional military education; one of those blocks that I have to fill. I will be filling it for the next 5 weeks in Montgomery, AL, and that means being away from my family.

As for my family...all is well with the baby; he's cooing and smiling and looks so much like his big brother. Aiden is doing well too, with the exception of the occasional mishap at school. We all went bowling last week and had a fun time. I took pictures, but I'm sure you know me well enough to know that I was again a slacker and didn't post anything. Perhaps I'll make it up to you when I have some spare time in the next several weeks. And may the Lord be with Vanessa as she has to, once again, be a single parent.

I stopped in at Holiday Inn Express for the night and should probably get to sleep so I'm well rested for the remainder of my drive tomorrow.

Feeling smarter already,


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Funerals and Losing Sleep

…that about sums up my past week. My mom called me at work to tell me the bad news. Then I called my wife who had just spoken to her mom and found out more bad news. All this bad news meant a trip to Oklahoma.

I found out last Monday that my “grandmother” passed away (she was like a grandmother to me). My mom and her daughters grew up together and I called her Grandma Shoemaker for as long as I can remember. I remember most swimming at her house with my quasi-cousins (all extended family) and cleaning the pool at the beginning of summer. Grandma also came to every important event in my life that was feasible for her to attend. And when she wasn’t able, I knew she had wanted to and often sent her love. I was glad I was able to attend her funeral. I find myself regretting not spending more time with this wonderful woman. Rest in Peace Grandma.

My second phone call revealed that my wife’s grandmother, who was 91, was not doing well and would likely pass away within a few days. Vanessa is very close to her family and we thought it important for her to spend time with them during this dark hour. After our initial stop in Oklahoma, we made the trip further north to Kansas so Vanessa and her mother could say good-bye. Vanessa and I returned to OK for a couple of days until her grandmother passed yesterday then she and her dad rejoined her mother for the memorial service this evening. I wish them all safe travels through the increasingly inclement weather. Farewell MaryEllen and thank you for the Chicken Dance at Heather and John’s wedding.

Now it’s off to another night tending to Ethan’s late night feedings alone and losing more sleep. I will try to update with some Aiden and Ethan pictures when we return home Thursday evening.

Sleep tight,


Monday, January 29, 2007

It's been a long time...

Um, sorry about that. I really didn't mean to leave you dangling. I've been a bit busy. Please understand. It's not you...really. No really! See my last post.

Well, I'm sitting up watching a movie, 200 Cigarettes, and waiting for the late night feeding. With any luck, we won't have any middle-of-the-night feedings by the time Vanessa goes back to work. I don't really want to go through the "it's your turn to get up" drama. But I guess that's the price of parenthood. I'm not complaining...yet.

And sorry I'm not posting any pictures tonight. I promise there are tons of pics already--thank God for digital cameras. I now need to decide which ones are the most wonderful to share with you, my special friends.

That's all I have for now. I'll write again...really! It's just that I have a lot on my plate right now and I've shifted priorities a bit. Don't give up on me...on us. It will all work out for the best.



Friday, January 12, 2007


Ethan Wiley Gerst
born: 1/11/07
weight: 7 lbs. 8 0z.
length: 21 inches

After patiently waiting 41 weeks and 2 days, we headed to Willford Hall Medical Center to have Vanessa's labor induced. The events started about 8:00 a.m. and the little guy was born at 2:04 p.m.

We, of course, think he's a beautiful baby.

Proud Daddy of now 2 very handsome lads,


Monday, January 01, 2007

Six o'clock and all's...well still waiting

Thought I should post another update before the year ends and I won't be able to claim this on my taxes. Oh, wait...that's something else.

Anyway, it's New Year's Eve, Vanessa's due in two days, my parents will be here tomorrow afternoon, I still haven't opened my PS3, I bought a 32 inch flat panel LCD, we rearranged our house, we've shopped til we dropped, and we're frantically trying to accomplish anything and everything we can think of before Clonky (or whatever his name ends up) is born.

I'm currently avoiding glares from Vanessa as I'm typing, so I'm going to cut short and get back to work. My next post will probably be a birth announcement. Stay tuned.

Happy New Year!
