Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Don't fall over

I know ...

I've been here, I just haven't been much about the blogging. There's lots of news, but I'm sure you've gotten it from other sources by now (CNN, Fox, President Bush). I have most certainly left you hanging.

Most of you know where I am, but if you don't, well, I can't tell you. Due to host nation sensitivities we can't say. Oh, everyone knows we're here, but our gracious hosts don't like to rub it in the faces of their Arabic brothers.

So quick update ... I'm here for another month, I haven't done anything nearly as exciting as my last deployment, I've been to a couple of places around the area that I'm sure I'll fill you in about later (I say that, but don't hold your breath), my kids are growing like weeds (the youngest like a fat weed, but I'm sure he'll grow more vertical soon enough), and we're all moving to Japan in August.

So there it is. More updates later.

Maybe much later,