Friday, March 30, 2007

Stay on Target...Stay on Target...

It's almost over, Yea!! I just have to wake up and sit through our graduation festivities tomorrow, then I'm hittin' the road for about 820 miles. I should probably start packing instead of blogging, but I'm sure you're all on the edge of your seat waiting for my next post. And who am I to keep my loyal readers waiting? (You better be loyal!)

The end results: our flight in the top 1/3 of the school--we're 9th; we are the top flight academically in the school; and we're the top flight in our squadron, 3-0, for flickerball (it's a made-up leadership game). As far as my individual accomplishments, hey, I passed and wasn't in the bottom of my flight and that's good enough for me.

Making the grade--mostly,



Anonymous said...

I had no doubt that you would do okay,THAT'S MY BOY!!! Luv Ya Mom

Anonymous said...

I bet you are wishing for some red shoes that could click you home...instead of the long drive. Be safe and congratulations!!
We love you!

Sarah Smith said...

So, I'm anxiously awaiting the update - did you survive graduation and the subsequent 820 mile trip? ARE YOU STILL ALIVE? One wouldn't know from your blog posts...

Okay, I'll stop harassing, but you *could* post some more pics of EWG. Just sayin'.