Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Tis the season ... for sick kids

Yep! I'm sitting at home for the rest of the day after receiving a call that AX had an involuntary protein spill at daycare. So I finished up what I was working on at work and made my way to pick him up. As I was approaching, I received yet another call from daycare informing me that EWG had a fever and would also need to be picked up. Oh, the joys of parenthood. By the way, I think they caught whatever is bothering them from their mother. Admit it Vanessa, I know it's all your fault! :)

I put the kids to bed and will await the fury of their illnesses when they waken. Until then ...

Take two of these and call me in the morning,

Dr. Dad

(Note to anyone in the know: my little trip to Ecuador has been nixed, so now I'll be headed to play in the sand.)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up,gives me time to get an early start on my worrying.I hate being behind. Love ya,Mom

Anonymous said...

Could it be my fault? I'm as healthy as a horse;) Okay...I confess...I do have a cold but I'm not the cause of the throw-up. Thank Goodness!!