Thursday, June 14, 2007

Water Play at Sea World

As I mentioned in a previous post, we traded in the season passes to the zoo for the more expensive, but equally (if not more) entertaining Sea World season passes. SW is quite a bit further from our house than the zoo, but we decided that Aiden is getting old enough to start enjoying rides and water play as well as shows, animals, and crazy large crowds. Having season passes affords us the opportunity to spend less time fighting the crowds because we can come back as often as we want. We've been to SW three times together (V and A went a couple of other times while I was deployed) and I'm certain we'll be back several more times before the season ends. Besides, SW is one of those attractions that people drive hundreds of miles to make part of their vacations, but we are fortunate enough to have it right here in our own backyard.

Enough of the background already...

So we took the boys to SW this weekend solely to enjoy the water park.

(V and EWG preparing for the "fun.")

(EWG gets his first dip. He was okay with it until his diaper became saturated -- He hates his diaper being wet. But he does love baths so maybe we should take him skinny dipping.)

(Aiden was surprisingly enjoying the water.)

(We were doing some kind of water dance. Next stop, "So You Think You Can Dance.")

I promise to start working on my summer tan so you won't have to dim your monitors to view future posts.

On a crazy posting spree...for now,



Anonymous said...

I need to work on my tan too!! It was fun for me to see EWG in the same swimming suit AXG wore for his first swim. I can't believe EWG is 5 months old. How time flies.

Sarah Smith said...

Looks like fun! We're heading to SA next week - can't wait to get out of Alaska. We'll have to visit SW whilst in town.

Sarah Smith said...

I knew the writing streak couldn't last...

Do you think that TMO will mind that my house is completely disorganized as of this particular moment? I had such high hopes of organization prior to the move, but, alas, I have fallen on my face once again.

What does this comment have to do with your blog, you're asking?


But I'm okay with that.

Anonymous said...

Vanessa is right time sure flies.As always enjoyed your blog. Sorry we missed your call took Gramps,Papa,& Aunt Karen to LaFiesta for supper.Mike loved his card but you forgot to sign it, I told him to recycle and give it to his Dad next Luv Ya,Mom

Martin Gerst said...

DON'T RECYCLE THAT CARD...unless you're giving it to someone with worse sight than you two, in which case, PRESS ON (I don't like the greeting card industry anyhow). Perhaps you need to read it in brighter light. I used an orange pen. Sorry, but it was the only one Vanessa had handy.

Anonymous said...

The worse eye sight would be his Dad. It was even hard to see in bright light. Love ya, Mom

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys a having a great summer! Miss ya bunches!
