Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Gersts in Nippon, er, Japan

You read that correctly, we're in Japan. After I returned from my deployment to the not so fabulous desert, we packed our bags and headed east (actually west, but to the Far East). We now reside in Misawa, Japan. My assignment here is supposed to last until August 2011, but as fickle as the Force is, we could leave here in a year or 10. It seems that every assignment I'm at the rules change. Of course I'll keep you posted on any changes.

I know what you're thinking, "Gerst, you're a slacker about keeping us posted." Well you're right, but you'll have to trust me on this one. We're a long way from home and we have a lot of people to keep in the loop. As was the original intent of this blog, this is the best way for us to update everyone with the same info.

As for what you've missed, well, you missed it. Let's stop living in the past, shall we. Let's start fresh (and any other cliches you can think of). And let's do that with the next update.



Anonymous said...

Glad to see this keep them coming.If your going to type Japenese words at least tell us what they mean.Love ya,Mom

Anonymous said...

Your lives are such an adventure! Every time I look up you guys are somewhere else! Well, I keep you guys in my thoughts and am thrilled for all the opportunities God has presented for you!!