Monday, December 25, 2006

Playstation 3 and No Waiting

I was fortunate enough to grow up in the age of video gaming. My family wasn't on the cutting edge of new technology, but we usually had a game console of one type or another. My first was an Atari 2600 my brother and I got for Christmas. And much later, I had an NES. I remember my weekends and school breaks were filled by my brother and me staying up all night trading back and forth until we defeated, or were defeated by, whatever video game we rented. I have a Super NES stowed away in my garage that my brother bought me our last Christmas before he passed away. I haven't been much into video games since then; school, work, whatever has gotten in the way.

Today, I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. Cliché, yes, but true. We were doing some last minute shopping at Wal-mart and I ran back to the toy section to grab some stocking stuffers for Aiden. I was perusing the Hot Wheels when I heard a garbled message on the giant voice. What I heard was “…60 gigabyte hard drive. Only two left. First come, first serve.” It took me just a moment to process what was said and another moment to drop what I was doing and race around the corner to electronics. I didn’t see a horde of people, so I assumed I missed out. But then I asked the cashier if I had in fact missed them and he said, surprisingly, that I was first. I said I’d take it and immediately called Vanessa at the front of the store. I made my purchase and they actually escorted me out and to my car. I guess there have been incidents of muggings especially on Christmas Eve.

Needless to say, I now have a PS3. I don’t have any games yet, and in fact don’t have a TV that I want to connect it to (I’m waiting until after the holidays to purchase my flat-panel TV). But, I didn’t buy it strictly for the game system, it’s also a Blu-ray disc player. That’s gonna make some new Blu-ray videos look great on that new TV. Good luck getting me out of the house!

I guess Santa stuffed my stocking early,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HO HO HO, I'm glad you are so excited. As you know I can't get past the third level of frogger,for the ones that don't know thats atari. My 3 year old grandson beats me on pacman and you laugh at me trying to turn on your tv.ps3 has nothing on me,don't you have to turn on the tv first? Luv ya,MOM