Thursday, June 01, 2006

Toby Keith

Tonight was the much-hyped Toby Keith appearance. Admittedly, I was excited for this rare opportunity to see a big star in such a small venue.

We arrived a little early. But the cantina anticipated an early crowd and opened the bar for the 3-beer-limit libations. We got our seats and just hung out discussing the events of the day, etc. Then a few minutes before the concert was to begin, a loud-mouthed jarhead came over to me and "asked" me to move. No other directions or location, just "please move, sir." I repeatedly denied his request and asked him whose idea this was and where should I move in the already packed venue. He said he didn't know where; Gunny said that these seats were reserved and I needed to move. (Note: There were no signs or other indication the seats or any seats were reserved other than someone telling people, seemingly at random, to move) After repeated requests to see his Gunny, he finally appeared and quickly found me a seat (until that time, "reserved") just one row back. I was upset at his underling's rudeness, but enjoyed the concert nonetheless.

(An acoustic performance. One of the best performances I've seen!)

Afterwards, I approached the Gunny and declared my ire about the situation. He apologized for the young man's handling of the situation and promised to make it up to me sometime. I didn't realize he meant tonight.

Everyone was standing around waiting for Toby Keith to come back out to the cantina from the backroom where one of our PA writers was conducting an interview. My boss and I were standing near the door waiting to see how the interview went. Then Gunny came up to me and said, "Come with me, sir." He whisked me back to the room where I got to meet Toby and get a picture with him.

(This is my new favorite Gunny, Oorah!)

It bears repeating; Oorah!



Anonymous said...

Nice Marty!! Bully your way into a photo op!! ;) - Angi

Martin Gerst said...

That is so cool! I'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

Nice picture of Toby and you. Beats the heck out of getting you picture with that fat broad from the dixie chicks :)
P.S. See if they have any good prices on local percussion instruments and let me know so I can send you $ if they do

AWG said...

Pretty neat! Nice pic.

-awg in oklahoma

Anonymous said...

Mike and I look at you with Toby very cool .Mike wants to know about some drums to send home write him later. Love Mom & Mike

Anonymous said...

hey marty, this is a friend from Enid. I bet you don't remember me. I'm an annoying libra much like yourself. If I remember correctly, my mom has a story about you bouncing a ball until she went nuts, do you remember? Clue #1-My mom & I were at your wedding.
Clue #2-I also have a son named Aidan. 4 kids total, my husband is also a libra, we're just nice people:)
Any ideas yet? he he he
Anyway, I'm jealous. Toby Keith is so cool. We've gotten to eat at his place in okc a couple of times & it is quite a bargain on some things, huge portions, cool place to eat.
My mom ran into your mom recently. She updated us on your travels & suggested we visit your blog so here we are.
I hope you are safe & having a great experience.